Adult Groups
Resurrection has multiple adult ministry opportunities for you to get involved!
Men of Resurrection (MORE)
The Men of Resurrection (MORE) provides a great opportunity for men to integrate into our parish life and build strong friendship bonds. Their mission is Social, Spiritual, and Service.
The major MORE fund-raising project is the Annual Spring Fling which has raised and donated more than $200,000 to local charities since its founding in 2006. MORE also assists Northwest Florida Catholic Charities and has donated thousands of bags of groceries to help the needy in our community. They also host Sunday Pancake Breakfasts throughout the year which provides an opportunity for parishioners and visitors to gather.
Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month in the Church Hall and include refreshments, dinner and often speakers.
Resurrection Snowbirds
During the months of January and February winter visitors are invited to join the Resurrection Snowbirds. Meetings are held weekly in the Parish Hall and include food and fellowship, guest speakers, bands, and many extracuricular events including dinners and tours of the Destin area. Please use the form below or call the church office for more information.
Knights of Columbus (Emerald Coast Council)
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest lay Catholic family service organization. Charity is our first call. All Catholic men over the age of 18 are invited to join. The local council meets on the third Tuesday of each month, alternating among the three churches in our area, Corpus Christi, St. Rita’s, and Resurrection. Our meeting always follows a free dinner at 6:30 PM. We support youth programs, encourage and support seminarians, and family events. The Knights also have fish fries, golf tournaments, charity drives like the well known “Tootsie Roll Drive,” wheelchairs for Veterans and more. We are a strong supporter of Pro-Life initiatives. Our long term goal is to continue to offer men a challenge to become proud of practicing Catholics through prayer, charity, and fraternal leadership.
KoC Ladies Auxillary (Emerald Coast Council)
We are a faith based ladies group supporting the Knights. Membership is open to Catholic women who have a spouse or another relative (living or deceased) in the Knights of Columbus.
Floral Ministry
Resurrection is blessed with talented people who share their gifts by creating beautiful flower arrangements for our Church throughout the Seasons and Liturgical Year. They will also create a special arrangement to celebrate or remember special days. If you would like to join the ministry or request a special arrangement please contact Ellen Tabor or call the parish office.
Friends of Resurrection Gardens
Resurrection has won more than one award for our beautiful gardens. This ministry takes care of the gardens adding to the peace and serenity of everyone as they enter or leave the church or just visit the grounds. We strive to timely prune, fertilize, weed, irrigate, transplant, remove unwanted plants, and in general-garden. This is a ministry of love from great volunteers. More help is always needed. Contact Jean, our Master Gardener.

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