Liturgical Ministries
Altar Server Ministry
Serving at Mass is a wonderful privilege for our children and youth. If you have made your first Communion and would like to serve God and our community, please sign up using the button below or contacting the church office at (850) 837-0357.
Extraordinary Ministers
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay persons trained to help with the distribution of Holy Communion when there are not enough Ordinary Ministers available. This very active ministry is in need of volunteers. Sign up below!
Lector Ministry
The ministry of lector is a vital liturgical ministry which should be taken seriously and be prepared for diligently. Proclaiming the Word of God in a clear, sincere, and understandable manner is an opportunity to witness to our belief in the Word. At Resurrection, two readers offer the opportunity of two witnesses. If you are interested in being a lector please click the button below.
Sacristans serve during the weekend and daily Masses. Before Mass, the sacristan carefully arranges the items necessary for the celebration of Mass. He or she lays out anything needed, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, hosts, wine, linens, oils, and candles. A Sacristan may volunteer to wash the altar linens according to the indications of the Church.
Ushers & Greeters
This is a ministry of Welcome! These volunteers have come forward with a great purpose — to sincerely welcome everyone who walks in the door to celebrate the liturgy. Conveying with every word and smile, “all are welcome in this place.” Our ushers are truly faithful servants; welcoming, passing out books, ushering the faithful during Communion, finding space for all our visitors, and taking care of any and all emergencies.

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