Resurrection is making a difference in our community.
MORE Food Drive
For over 10 years the Men of Resurrection (MORE) have been collecting food for our local Catholic Charities food pantry. Grocery bags are passed out after all weekend Masses with a list of needed items. Our generous parishioners and visitors return the bags filled with food and other requested items. The men delivered 1,022 bags to Catholic Charities last year. If you would like to help MORE with this ministry, click the button below.
Retirement Home Ministry
Each Tuesday, a dedicated group of parishioners visits nearby facilities for senior living, rehab, and long-term care. A mass or communion service is the centerpiece of the visit, but music, laughter, and relationship building are very important parts of ministry, also. If you would like to become a part of this very fulfilling ministry, please call the church office at (850) 837-0357 or use the button below.
Bereavement Ministry (MinusOne)
MinusOne is a ministry dedicated to providing support and social opportunities for people who have lost a spouse or loved one through death or divorce. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, pease contact the Parish Office at (850) 837-0357 or click the button below.

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